Financial Aid
We continue to award and disburse federal student aid.
As of March 20, 2025, Pell Grants, Direct Loans, and other federal student aid funds provided to individual students are not impacted by the potential closure of the Department of Education.
Get the latest 2024-25 Financial Aid Updates and Information here.
Zoom Link: FAFSA/WASFA Workshop
FAFSA Updates and Getting Help
Seattle Colleges wants to share some tips and new information with you:
The 2024-25 FAFSA is now available. Despite the known issues, we encourage you to attempt to complete the FAFSA form. A list of known errors and status updates is being published on the US Dept. of Education Knowledge Center.
We are here to help! If you get stuck or have questions, pause your application and schedule an appointment with a Financial Aid Coach on campus or virtually.
The U.S. Dept. of Education has announced that it will not make FAFSA information available to colleges and universities until around mid-June. This means that all colleges will be delayed in sending applicants their Financial Aid Offer and helping students with corrections to their FAFSA form. This is true for Seattle Colleges as well. We’ll provide more information about timelines once we have access to the FAFSA data.
Remember, you have time and support to get the FAFSA or WASFA completed, and get funding to pay for college in 2024-25. We are here to help you!
Welcome to South Seattle College Financial Aid!
Whether you’re just thinking about coming to South Seattle College, or you’re already one of the thousands of students pursuing a degree with us already, we’re happy to have you.
Financial Aid is an important part of going to college. The process can seem daunting and, at times, overly complicated, but we are here to help. The average student will spend about 3 hours a year completing the Application for Financial Aid and receive over $4,000 in grants and scholarships. In contrast, students earning $15 per hour will spend approximately 267 hours to earn the same amount.
The single most important thing to making sure you get financial aid is that you read all the information we provide for you regarding financial aid funding. We send communications, via email, with the subject line “South Seattle College Financial Aid” from the email address
Also, financial aid is typically available for full-time and part-time students, so you can take as little as one credit per quarter and still be eligible. So, start the process today.
Complete your FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) or WASFA (Washington Application for State Financial Aid) today.
Get Your Funding Back
If your financial aid has been cancelled for not meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP), you may appeal to reinstate your aid. Complete the SAP Appeal form.